Much to update…

Let’s cut to the chase…

The pro that I was hoping to work with/for never returned my calls or emails, so I am glad I did not hold my breath.

I have completed all the necessary paperwork for the end of my SUNY experience and have submitted it in the correct formats.  Don’t ask what those are.  It is far too byzantine to even describe, and non-sensical.  What’s done is done and I hope to have my lambskin in a couple of months.

The upside is that I have been invited to join a local arts group.  It is a very democratic, non-judgemental group of painters, photographers, sculptors and more who are all tired of the juried show routine.  We are an iconoclastic little clan and put on our own group shows.  They like my abstract work, so that makes me happy.  Also, as a result, the photographers are getting together to document a small farm-to-table food pantry in a nearby town.  In a way this will be like herding cats, but I hope to separate myself from that power structure and just take pictures.

I still have not dine any dark room work,  I hope to get in there after August when the end-of-summer house guests have all gone home and the temperatures outside have lessened.  More to come!


One Response to Much to update…

  1. Aravis August 31, 2010 at 5:16 pm #

    The arts group sounds interesting. Good luck with that, and with putting a period to your SUNY career.