It is February, the month of my birth, as well as my father. His birthday is today and he is 82. I am heading into NYC tomorrow for lunch with him and two of my half-cousins from my grandfather’s first marriage. They are very nice and we all get along just fine. I am taking MetroNorth from Wassaic which puts me in to Grand Central. Then I’ll walk uptown to the restaurant on Broadway and 105th. Quite a hike, but I can take pictures along the way. Maybe I’ll get two rolls done but three would be very cool indeed. I could use some more urban images fro the portfolio.
In regards to that, and Greece, if the river don’t rise I’ll be flying off to Athens in 29 days. I am very excited and have begun to do some test-packing. I packed my camera bag once and will do so again until I get the optimal set-up. I am taking my Canon 50D and the two L-series lenses I have for it. I am also taking my Voigtlander with the 35mm lens I bought with it and a new 21mm lens that is arriving today. A light meter, some lead film bags, batteries, etc…all round out the gear. There is plenty of room for my notebook, documents, a book, pens and pencils, and some other odds-and-ends. I’ll re-pack the night before I leave, I am sure.
I am going to buy a small refrigerator for my darkroom. This way I can put all my chemistry, paper and film away safely before I leave. I have looked on-line and I can get a good one for less than $300 new from Lowes. I can also get one locally from Campbell and Keeler in Millerton for a little more and support a local business. I think I will do that. Maybe even today!
Below is a new image. I used Efke (ADOX) CHS 100 with my Voigtlander R4M. For printing I used Edwal Platinum II for the soup on Fotokemika paper at f/16 for about 3 1/2 minutes.
I like walking from GCT. I like the sights, sounds, even the smells sometimes. It’s invigorating. I wouldn’t want to live there but I love visiting. :0)