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]]>Recently I have been in touch with people from way back, in the 1980s, from my years in Colorado. It’s interesting. We are all many years older. Time has molded us all, as time does. People have died. People have had children. Marriages, divorces, etc…the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that come to us all, I suppose. My choices haven’t been theirs, and vice-a-versa, of course. We all find happiness and our sense of being in our own way.
There is no denying that the pandemic has changed my thinking, as it has for many. An old friend fled LA at the beginning in 2020 and moved ‘temporarily’ to New Mexico. He’s still there. He’s found his place, one of many in his lifetime. Others have drifted until they found safe harbor. Whatever it takes. I followed the route of many others and bought a small house, renovated it and have been living in it since November 2021 (please see the previous blog entry). I have also been taking piano lessons for over a year. I’m better now than when I began. I have picked up the guitar again after a long hiatus and am enjoying that too. My photography has been fruitful, mostly analog, and my darkroom is a busy and deeply satisfying place to work these days. Work. I love that word. I love to labor at my craft. Once in a while I splash some paint on a canvas and see how I feel about that. I try not to take things so seriously. I think being happy is better than being right.
In my family, common questions were ‘How’s your work?” and ‘What are you working on these days?” Of course this never applied to our day jobs, how we paid our bills. “Work” was always “work.” In my case it was music, writing, photography…my sisters each have their own artistic paths–visual, literary and academic. That’s just the way we were raised.
There is a wonderful quote by the techno-music godfather Giorgio Moroder that has been informing me these days. Taken exponentially, I find applies to anything, not just music…how I navigate life. He said, “Once you free your mind about a concept of music and harmony being correct, you can do whatever you want.” That’s it, isn’t it? It’s so easy to fall into a pattern of ‘correct’ and ‘right’ whether it is in life or the arts. It’s a place of stagnation and boredom. The random and potentially exciting is supplanted by the predictable and mundane. Work becomes toil. I become serious, rigid. Inflexible. Moroder’s philosophy demands work, some internal yoga to loosen the thinking, stretch the concept. As I said before, being happy is better than being right.
And so I work. I take pictures, develop the film, produce the prints. I use a digital camera too. I play piano and guitar. I study music theory. I stretch canvas and splash paint. I ride my mountain bike and even swim in the sea during these winter months. I read good books and eat healthily. I sleep well. I try not to take myself seriously. I find happiness. I let go of the rest.
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]]>A friend wished me a happy rest-of-my-weekend the other day and qualified it by remarking “…as if there’s a difference in these amorphous and indeterminate days and weeks of the covid epoch.” This sums up much of my emotional state since this ‘epoch’ began last February: one same day after the next with the same news feed, everyone seemingly watching the world turn while quarantined inside our homes. This isn’t completely true but it feels that way.
Last February I was wrapping up a winter-long darkroom silver-gelatin printing project. It was for a solo show in July. At the same time I was mapping out a 2-3 week bicycle ride through northern and western Greece that would have taken place in May. Needless to say, neither of these events came to pass. The show was cancelled and the ride was put off until the autumn (when it did not happen again). By the end of October I was left with a porfolio that meant little to me and a lot of maps going nowhere. But that is looking at these past months the wrong way. So much may not have happened yet so much actually did occur.
On the advice of a friend (to whom I am eternally grateful!) last March or April, I bought a little house. The papers were finalized in August and a full renovation began, finishing in the first week of November. The place really needed to be gutted. Ancient electrical, plumbing, crumbling walls, etc…I documented it online. I have now rented it to someone who needed a home. Then I got the wild idea that maybe I should stop paying rent and buy and renovate my own space! So I did. In a few weeks (crossed fingers) I will finalize that deal and begin renovations. I hope by the end of November 2021 I will have moved into my new home. So to my friend MM who started this process…many thanks and eternal gratitude for shifting my thinking.
Photography…writing…I have come to the conclusion that, for me, social media, as a whole, is a stifling and shallow platform for art or communication of any true depth. These applications have actually hampered my creative process. I have produced less photography and written fewer blog entries since I started being more on my phone with a popular social media app. I let it suck the creative juices from my mind and soul. So…I would like to make more real photographs in 2021, write more, produce more real work. The new house will have space for a darkroom and a small digital area–room for a printer, perhaps a computer with a larger monitor than my laptop. A place to work. A home studio.
I have rested on what laurels I may have gathered long enough. I will make a new commitment to my art, to my life. Wheels are in motion. Let them stay moving, well-greased and clean running.
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]]>The post Birthday, friends, good food, Lent and photography… appeared first on .
]]>My winter’s work with the Photografiki Omada Parou has been a real joy. The 20 or so people that signed up in the fall for the 35mm analog project have all been enthusiastic, fun to work with and, without exception, have produced interesting and striking work. Today I am meeting with one of them to develop their film. Tomorrow I hand the camera over to another, and Thursday I work in the darkroom printing with a third. I think I will try to print on Friday too. This project has kept me busy through the winter but it has been much more. I have come to know many locals who I had never met, and they I. During the weekly club meetings (Wednesday, 19:30hrs) I get to hear at least two hours of solid Greek from numerous voices which has helped my Greek language studies which I work on every Friday afternoon with my teacher Stella. So all around it has been a “win-win” situation. They do all the work, by the way. I am just a guide.
My own work? This week I hope to submit a new portfolio of digital abstract work to the Antiparos International Photography Exhibition for the upcoming summer 2018 show. This work is finished so I can talk about the fantasy digital land-sea scapes I have found and photographed. Very little Photoshopping, as you may guess. Just a slight curve here or there for contrast and to keep it WYSIWYG. Cross my fingers…I am also embarking on some alternative work which will open up some new technical and artistic avenues. I won’t say much more except that if the winter time is for the darkroom, this project will be perfect for the summer and all of our sun.
Oh yes…the anniversary of my 53rd trip around the sun was a few days ago so I celebrated yesterday with some friends at a local taverna–that is was also ‘Katheri Deutera’, or Clean Monday, informed the menu. The remains of the meal can be seen below. Lent begins today. I would like to keep the Lenten diet as much as possible for the next 40 days. It is a healthy choice here in Greece. Of course, this ‘diet’ predates any religious function as it was a result of the end of the winter, when the stored foods from the autumn harvest had run low (or out) and the agricultural population waited for the new crops of spring. So it will be lots of veggies for me, seafood without backbones, no cheese, no meat…thank the gods the Greeks are sensible enough to still allow olives and olive oil…
The collection of my mother’s newspaper articles is all but done. Last week I submitted the digital files to a printing company in Athens and the book goes to press this week. Finally! It has been years since I began this project, a memorial to my mother and a gift to family and friends. And I like this book company. They do nice work. I may put together a book of my own. A small collection of my photographs. We’ll see…let’s not talk about it yet.
So thats it for February. Right now there is a lovely, gentle, soaking rain blanketing the island. It is supposed to rain all day. Really great. I am tired of winter. I want spring, warmth and green things to see and eat. I need to swim in the sea and shed some of the layers I have had to wear all winter to stay warm and dry. The world moves ahead into the light and the alchemy I practice draws its magic from an ancient source.
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]]>The post Mom’s hours… appeared first on .
]]>“It’s just after 6 and I have had my coffee, made my bed, fed the cats and it is still dark…the sun is creeping up in the east, I can just see rosy fingered dawn…Much too early to be awake, yet here I am.”
“After raising three children for consecutive decades, getting them up in the morning, making their breakfasts and getting them all on the bus to school, my mother just stayed in the habit if getting up at 5AM, even when she lived alone.”
“…so many of those mornings long ago were dark and cold, frosty, drizzly. Terrible mornings in which to thrust one’s children, into the palaeolithic harshness of the American public educational system of the 1960s and 70s…”
“…early mornings, sweet tea and cinnamon toast and daypacks heaved onto small, grumpy, narrow shoulders.”
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I have always loved Christmas. Not necessarily the gift giving, although when one is young getting stuff is always fun, and Santa Claus is real and the magic of the lights on the tree in the family living room enchanted a little boy who stayed up too late…
There is something about it I like. Something deep. Thanksgiving is fun, but Christmas has some kind of special, ancient magic. Maybe it’s the hopeful twinkling lights or that it falls around the Winter Solstice and I am very in tune with the moon and or that here on Paros it so quiet and so cold and today we are expecting glorious rain, rain, rain…the island has become an emerald dotted with oranges and lemons.
The Greeks celebrate Christmas in a traditional way and a modern way, but also in their own way. They are quick to adopt any celebration that involves staying up late and carousing with friends so they have taken the northern European Christmas to heart in so much as they are playfully opportunistic. Gift giving is supposed to happen on January 1st, which is St. Basil’s Day in the Orthodox Church. And then it is only for children.
St. Nikolas (December 6th), the patron saint of sailors, archers, children, brewers, repentant thieves, pawnbrokers and merchants is an historical figure dating back to the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. He worked some miracles, and gave way presents to children, hence the legend of St. Nick, etc…there is more to read here…
The Christmas tree is a northern, Scandinavian thing, dating back to the pagan era when the locals would light big pine trees on fire during the solstice, beckoning the sun to return. You get it, right? Trees on fire and drunk Vikings…Ok? Works for me.
Here it is the tradition of the St. Nikolas boat, which is really the point of this blog. The Greeks don’t use a tree, not really. Being a mostly seafaring folk, this makes sense. They lost this tradition for a while but it is back in vogue as a pleasant and pretty thing to do and I am sure all the gia-gias are ok with it. I have wanted a St Nikolas boat for a while and this year was determined to find one. And I did–made from an empty 5L olive oil can, a couple of sticks and some string…perfect! It was for sale in a booth at the seasonal bazaar. Ideally, one should display their boat on the 6th of December and take it down after January 6th (Epiphany). I put mine up a bit late…Sorry Nick. I’ll keep it up and twinkling until after the 6th. I bought the lights in Athens. They are LEDs which are really super. One setting blinked so fast I thought I was going to have a seizure!
Christmas Eve I am having dinner with some Greek friends. I’ll bring some sweets as a gift. Christmas Day I am making dinner for some non-Greek friends. Pork roast with candied apples…something else. That’s it really. A quiet Christmas that rolls into the New Year and before you know it…
Well, I wish you all, wherever you are, however you mark the day, a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years!
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]]>The post Kalo mina! appeared first on .
]]>Here are the bullet points…
— I am going to Naxos this weekend for a mountain bike race, my third on that island. 27km around a mountain and through the town of Sangri, high above the port. The weather predictions are good–high pressure, 14-18C, sunny, breezy. Perfect for biking. We have had some rain which will keep the dust down and reduce the amount of loose, gravely ruts. I’ll go and have fun.
— I am grateful and happy to have joined up with the Photography Club of Paros. They are a good bunch of photography-loving folks with excellent eyes who love to take pictures. I will begin a long-term darkroom project with them tonight. For most of them, it will be a first in this digital-automatic age. Each week, a member gets a 35mm camera (Pentax K1000/f.2 50mm lens) and roll of 35mm film (Ilford Pan 400) and shoots the roll. Then we (me and the group member) go into the darkroom, develop the film, print, etc…all in a week. So far there are about 10 people signed up, but that number, I predict, will jump to 20 quickly. The project will go until the end of April and then they will look at the assembled portfolio and hang a small show. For more reasons than I can count, this is a superb thing/event/group/happening with which to be involved.
— My own work is moving along. The year-long Canon G-11 project is ticking away. I am ready to print a new portfolio of abstract pieces. I have to re-shoot or otherwise re-evaluate a b/w still life idea. I am unhappy with several of the pieces due to their DoF, i.e. focus.
— My gym membership is paying off. I have been going 2-4 times a week for either Hip/Abs classes or just to burn off calories on the treadmill. After only a few weeks I can once again fit into my 34″ green Levis. I will go this morning and push some more limits. That, plus the biking, is keeping me fit and sane.
— The world? Well…we all read the news and while it isn’t all bad, it isn’t great. Leaks in the dam…death and disease, as Polly Jo would have said.
My life is Greece is expanding and growing every day. I am eternally thankful to the wise woman who advised me over 5 years ago that if were to stay here on Paros, I would need to build a life around me. And so I have. Biking and exercise, photography and fellowship, the arts and humanities, connections in the community. Thank you Liz!
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]]>The post What a year… appeared first on .
]]>Summer turned to Autumn, ushering in the green and wet winter. By the time spring rolled around I had been adopted by a pair of cats and now, at the edge of summer’s end, with its heat, crush and crowds, I have my simple and healthy routine. Most if this involves avoiding said crush and crowds. I move through them as gently as I can, reminding myself that everyone is having fun, on vacation…Is it misanthropic to wish that they would all just go home? Perhaps. I am not alone, it seems. Scan the newspapers for anti-tourist articles. Hvar, Barcelona, Venice, Florence, Rome…I imagine there are many more cities but these are the top destinations that are fighting back against the overwhelming tide of cheap tourism. Something must be done, if only to save the fragile ecologies that, indeed, seem to be the reasons for going to these places. It is a Moebius strip of dilemma and solution.
The ultra-wealthy dream of the stars and colonization. New energy techs butt heads with the global dinosaur juice cartels. The concept of human identity and gender have been revealed to be as fluid as water. New paradigms rise up, have been rising for decades. In response to what threatens their withering grasp, the old paradigms of fear and warlord thinking shake their sabres more loudly than ever. They seem to say, “If we can’t have it our way, then we are all going to go down in flames.” How will humanity be saved? Not by Jesus. Not by Exxon. Not by Coca-Cola. Not by Little Green Men. It has to be unilateral and evolutionary. The minds of the trumpkimputins must go. The old paradigm must fade if we, as a species, are ever to survive. Humanism is the only hope for us. We must take responsibility for our lives. We must put aside our big, thinking and very stupid arrogant brains and finally understand that we are just another organism on this planet, no better or worse than any other. We are subject to the same natural laws as the cockroach I liberated from my bathroom last night. My cactus has more humility and true sense of place than most people. What arrogance we have, thinking we are so special! This will be our undoing, as it always has been.
So it has been a year…and what a year it is shaping up to be.
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]]>The post Much to say…or maybe not… appeared first on .
]]>–“Drumpf”–We all know it. It is a fine example of onomatopoeia…the flatulent early-warning of someone who eats too much red meat…the sound of a fat drunk collapsing at the bottom of the stairs…the porcine grunt of a hog at the trough…a bamboozled public scoffing at the truth…the slow con hustle of the American Dream.
–I have been biking and swimming a lot. Xionidaki and Kiri Marmalada start squeaking for their breakfast early, so I am up around 06:00. Coffee, vitamins, email, the morning scan of the news…I am out on the bike by 07:00, swimming afterwards, coffee at a favourite cafe after that. Obviously the routine is not that precise. Suffice to say I am finished before it becomes too hot to exercise. And it has been hot. A few weeks ago Athens hit the mid-40sC and Paros was not far behind. I had to use the AC in my flat, something I am not keen on doing since it increases my carbon footprint. It was either that or not sleep. Thankfully is has been dry. The prediction for next week is more heat.
–I have some work in a small group show this October in Hudson, New York. I sent the 13 photos, matted and framed, a few weeks ago and they all arrived safely. I will not be attending. I also now have a good contact on the island of Antiparos for the photo show next summer. She really likes what I do and wants to hang it. I was impressed by what I saw at the exhibit this year. I still have a couple of irons in the fire for some events in between now and then. I shall keep poking at them.
–Fish and vegetables. That’s what I eat these days. The local produce here on Paros is stunning. Melons, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini…the cherry season seems to have lasted forever and I eagerly await the fresh figs in a couple of weeks.
–Oh yes…perhaps most important is that this month marks the first full summer I will have spent on Paros. In the previous years I have always gone back to America to see my mother. When August 12th comes around it will be a full year outside the walls of the Fortress. I am happy for this. It feels solid and right.
–I had a contrast MRI a few weeks ago in Athens to determine if there was anything I didn’t know about my Meniere’s Syndrome. It was an easy procedure and I was in the clinic in the morning and back on Paros in time for supper. Thank the gods for cheap flights! The results are…nothing! No tumors, no cysts, no aneurysms, no brain clouds, no small dwarves, no swelling of either labyrinth. According to the ENT specialist, I have what they like to call a “Meniere’s-like Syndrome.” Ha! This will be the last investigation I will do. I have the CD-ROM with the pictures but I do not have a DVD player or the required software to look at them. I promise you all, I will sort this out.
After all, who doesn’t want to see the inside of their head?
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]]>The post What’s happenin’….? appeared first on .
]]>I am appalled by the behaviour of the current US President and his smarmy, creepy entourage. His European trip is finished (probably his only trip here) and he acted poorly–immature, arrogant–the worst kind of visitor. I am not the only one to be shocked and amazed at his ignorant, insulting and banal actions. We have all read the news. We have all seen the clips. I am not going to link to anything. I am appalled and disturbed to know that there are people in the US who believe this kind of behaviour is acceptable. Educated, well-read, professionals who feel that this is how an American President should act. I even know some of these folks. How ashamed I am to be connected to the US at times like these. Phew! Enough of that…
I have been invited to show some of my work in a small group exhibit in September. It will be in Hudson, New York and the woman who is organizing the event asked me to send a few pieces. I have 7 new prints from the darkroom and will send an additional 6 from previous shows that I already have matted and framed. A Baker’s Dozen of b/w darkroom work, some of Greece and some of the area where the show will be held. I will price them well and my instructions to her are to not send any of them back!
I have decided I need an agent to sell me and my work. I cannot do it well. Other people see things in my work that I do not and are better at that kind of ‘retail’ mentality. So I will ask around. It needn’t be a full time job or even the first and last agent I have. Just someone to get the process off the ground.
I competed in the 7th Round of Paros bicycle race last Sunday and I did very well. The morning was perfect for the race, with light breezes from the north, sun and clouds. In short, not too hot. I was able to ride the 61km course in 2:31:45, which is a 6 minute improvement over my best time on the same route. I placed 59th out of 99 bikes and 12th out of 18 in my age-group. I am happy with these numbers. Now I begin working towards the 40km mountain bike race on Paros towards the end of September which will be gruelling. Plus, the sea is wonderful so there is swimming every day. In fact, I hope to do both–bike and swim–as soon as I post this missive.
I have begun yoga. Odd…yoga has been around my life for so many years, people urging me to try it and all that. I think my mind and heart were not ready. There was too much I had to let go of before I could open up and do it. Death, tumultuous change, perceived uprooting…On the surface it is allowing me to stretch muscles that I have been using in a way that actually stretches them. I have discovered that those calisthenics and stretches I learned in high school were mostly wrong and don’t really stretch anything at all. Deeper inside..I don’t know. I have only taken three classes (once a week) so I’ll let you know what rises to the surface. I know that I have moved on from where I was.
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]]>The post Happy Birthday! appeared first on .
]]>52 years and doing alright, all things considered.
I woke up this morning at 6AM after a fitful 5 hours of sleep–dreams of lost luggage, being stuck in crumbling concrete airports, missed flights, mercenary taxi cabs…
As of tomorrow I will be off-line for almost two weeks. I am sending my laptop into Athens to Apple to be repaired and cleaned. I am taking this time to avoid my mobile phone as well. I’ll get some reading done, take a lot of pictures and sleep differently, I imagine.
I inherited my mother’s old Olivetti Lettera 22 (c.1966) which she used for over 30 years, one of many typewriters she owned. It needs some TLC, and I found a repairman in Venice who will do it, but it will be expensive. It will be expensive to send it there and have it sent back but I feel it is worth it. It might be cheaper to go to Venice and deliver it, stay for a few days, then bring it back. Well…not really, but it might be worth the trip! Venice in the spring? I would like to use it…type some letters to those I love…write something interesting. The happy organic sound of a manual typewriter clacking away on the front terrace…
This post was going to be about politics, but I deleted what I wrote. Not worth the effort.
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