Last views and conversations…

Today is my last day in Athens for a few months.  The next time I post from here will be, God-willing-and-the-river-don’t rise, in October when I return from Tuscany with the Aegean Center group.  This morning I am meeting with an old friend and shooting the breeze with her for a while, then off to have more coffee with others and then lunch with yet someone else.  I am blessed with the ability to meet and retain friendships across vast distances, friends who care about me and whom I care for deeply as well.


I have checked my flight info; been to the bank for traveling cash; sent some emails off to the US.  All I need to do is pack and be on my way tomorrow.  I should be home in Ancramdale by 8PM EST.  IT will be so quiet compared to Athens.  It seems like I am walking through some kind of Bladerunner-esque scenario of modern and ancient forms, new and old technology meeting and melding into something quite different.  Tourists mingle with locals, illegal immigrants with the police, junkies with the clean and sober.  It’s a melting pot of east and west, the happy and the tragically insane.

More to come…


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