A re-scheduled life…

With the end of October and the first week of November came a drifting ennui that left me feeling fat and lazy.  Granted I am not overweight at all (182#), but I was on the way to gaining a mental spare tire, so to speak.  Thankfully I was kicked in the ass by a friend, which is what I needed.  As a result I have re-scheduled my days to be more productive and directed.  I have a daily list of ‘to-dos’ which reads the same pretty much every day.  There is time for photography, at least 3-4 hours a day, either film, digital or both (this includes processing); there is time for a few hours of reading; and then I spend some precious qt with my family and meeting friends for coffee.  Social time, if you will.

My five years at SUNY gave my life structure and without it there was nothing to guide my life, just too much free will and randomness.   So I took a month off from thinking…

I am beginning some work (digital and film, abstract and realist) for a nearby hotel which will hang with a couple of other artists for a few months; I am currently printing a small series of snapshots from last spring for fellow students and my own records; my reading list includes some books on artistic aesthetics as well as technical dark room stuff.  In short, for the next three months I am understanding that I am still in school and traveling the academic path to knowledge.  What a relief.

I am always relieved to know that I find greater freedom in structure.

More to come…


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One Response to A re-scheduled life…

  1. Aravis November 20, 2010 at 7:48 pm #

    Good advice. I’m graduating in a couple of weeks, and am taking a semester off before starting grad school. I may take a Spanish II course at the community college, but have nothing else planned. The thought is a bit daunting, but you’ve made some good suggestions.

    I hope you’re enjoying your time.